We are a companycompany specializing specializing in medical devices and skin solutions.

Biomimetic-technology products for fast and immediate skin care / New Polycomponent Formulation /

“Perfect S-Line from any angle” The key to fantastic body & face lines even girl groups would admire!

S-Line >


- 3 UP : x3 times upgrade from the existing lipolysis
- 3 FREE : PPL, steroids, chemical ingredients free (natural ingredients)
- 3 EFFECT : increased fat excretion speed more fats destroyed enhanced skin elasticity

Hexosamine biosynthetic pathway

Activates AMPK in adipocytes through O-linked glycosylation

Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα)-dependent pathway

Increases TNFα expression and release to break down and destroy adipocytes


T cell, NE pathway

Accumulates triglycerides in white adipose tissues and increases their size to accelerate phagocytosis of adipocytes


Lipoprotein Metabolism

Works on triacylglyceride in blood’s VLDL to accelerate the release of free fatty acids

WNT signaling pathway

Blocks and controls lipogenesis through WNT signaling and decides the fate of mesenchymal stem cells

03_Melt Out

Let's be the queen of summer!
S-line for you

Phototherapy medical devices and skin penetration cosmetology devices that are recognized by the world.