It contains active ingredients of GSH+PDRN+HA+Vitamins as a new polycomponent formulation and is composed of 57 polycomponents including amino acid, mineral, nucleic acid, nucleobase, glucose, etc.


HAYYAN is a polycomponent formula for the skin, which provides the solution of pigmentation, dark spot, melisma and ununiform skin color. GSH+PDRN+HA+Vitamins are major active ingredients, composed of 57 complex components which can supply a plenty of energy matrix including amino acid, vitamin,
nucleic acid, nucleobase, etc., and acts as networking antioxidant using GSH with 99.9% purity and reliability. It is also an antioxidant and helps improve the skin color by offering the synergic effect by the combination of vitamin C which is a GSH level enhancer, and PDRN accelerating the biosynthesis of DNA.



> Helps improve skin color and skin tone
> Helps improve skin texture
> Helps improve skin trouble by virtue of antioxidant activity.
> Helps solve the melanism by virtue of improved microcirculation.
> Helps strengthen the capillaries for nourishing.
> Helps thorough care by the supply of ECM constituents.
> Helps multiple and regenerate the fibroblasts.
> Helps protect the cells from oxidative stress.
> Helps strengthen the dermis and epidermis thickness by the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

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